Commercial Refrigeration:
Anything from an upright fridge to your large cool rooms / freezer rooms. Service, repair, supply and install any of your commercial refrigeration requirements. Check Refrigerants levels, Check Running pressure, Clean and clear blocked drains, Operational checks, Electrical tests, Full internal and external check.
Any kind of air-conditioning for your commercial venue / hotel rooms. Service, repair, supply and install any of your commercial air-conditioning requirements. Cleaning the Filters and Condensers, Check Condenser, Evaporator Coils, Drain Pipes, Fan and Blower should be cleaned + Full Internal and External Check.
Exhaust Systems and Fans:
Anything from a installing an exhaust fan to doing duct work. Service, repair, supply and install any of your commercial exhaust requirements. Check all exhausts, Check / Clean supply registers and return grills, Check for air leakage, Check operation of dampers and louvers, Full Internal and External Check.
Ice Machines:
Any kind of Ice Machine in your commercial venues from pubs to hotels. Service, repair, supply and install any of your commercial Ice Machine requirements. Remove all ice and clean and sanitize the storage bin. Clean the underside of the machine, all drain lines, and the outside of the bin or dispenser.